Upper-Intermediate Certificate Syllabus
🎓 Class Objectives
Grammar and Composition Students learn the grammatical patterns and sentence construction used in academic writing and focus on improving sentence-level grammatical accuracy in the writing of coherent, well-developed paragraphs.
Reading and Vocabulary Students develop vocabulary and reading strategies required to comprehend academic textbooks and literature in various fields of study.
Grammar and Composition Writing Students learn how to write clear and well-developed multi-paragraph academic essays using various methods of the organization through the process of planning, drafting, revising, editing and peer reviewing. Students also learn to work with sources. Grammatical structures relevant to the methods Oral Communication This course emphasizes the development of fluency and intelligibility in spoken English. Through individual and group activities, students work on improving pronunciation, practicing conversation strategies, and delivering an oral presentation
Instructor: Miss Mariam
Office hours: Weds 9:30-11:00am
Email: international@ibtsi.com
Lecture: Sent by instructor
📜 Course Description
About This Course With the rise of social media and the Internet, many people are writing more today for different mediums than ever before. We’ll present materials that cover grammatical principles, word usage, writing style, sentence and paragraph structure, and punctuation. We’ll introduce you to some marvelous resources that we have annotated for your guidance. We’ll show you video clips of interviews conducted with distinguished grammarians, challenge you with quizzes and writing activities that will give you strategies to help you to build skills that will enhance the quality of your writing, and invite you to participate in discussions and assess the work of your peers.
🗝 Enrollment
Prerequisite(s): A1,A2,B1,B1+ Co-Requisite(s): course(s) that must be taken prior to or simultaneously Concurrent Enrollment: course(s) that must be taken simultaneously Recommended Preparation: course work or background that is advisable, not mandatory
Course Schedule
📌 This course schedule provides a thorough list of weekly topics, readings, assignments, and exams.
🏆 Grading
Assignments: 50% Final Exam: 50%
A 90%-100% B 80%-89% C 70%-79% D 60%-69% F < 60%
Assignment Submission
All essays and papers are due in the lecture (due dates are listed on the schedule).
Late Assignments
Late work will be deducted 5% per twenty-four-hour period that elapses after the due date. If foreseen or unforeseen circumstances prevent you from completing an assignment on time, you may request an extension. Extensions must be requested in advance of the due date. If the situation warrants an extension, we will determine a new due date for the essay based on your individual circumstances.
😢 Plagiarism
Presenting someone else’s ideas as your own, either verbatim or recast in your own words – is a serious academic offense with serious consequences. Please familiarize yourself with the discussion of plagiarism in our campus policies.
🧠 Board Examination
The final examination will consist of an essay written during the exam period. You will receive the question at least one week before the test and may use a single page of notes during it.